The story behind our street names

As the streets in Release 5 of Jacob's Range are now complete we thought you might be interested to know how we go about naming streets.

With Jacob's Range surrounded by the Sussex Inlet Golf Course on each side, we decided to take inspiration for the street names in the precinct from famount golf courses.

Release 1 featured Birkdale Circuit and Oakmont Lane named after the Royal Birkdale Golf Club in England and the Oakmont Country Club in Pennsylvania, United States - some of the most famous golf courses in the world. 

Release 2 required us to spread the net a little wider.  We named Sunningdale Avenue after the Sunningdale Golf Club (Ascot, UK), Pebble Beach Parade after Pebble Beach Golf Links (CA, US), Kingsbarns Lane after Kingsbarns Golf Links (Fife, UK) and Barnbougle Way after our very own premier golf destination Barnbougle.

These names were by no means the only names we considered.  Other names on the shortlist that did not make the final cut included Muirfield Lane, Wickham Way, Pasatiempo Way, Fancourt Lane, and Naruo Way.

Funnily enough in all that researching of golf courses we didn't see any courses that seemed to be as well loved by the local wildlife as the Sussex Inlet Golf Course!