Design Approval Application Form & Checklist

Welcome and thank you for choosing to be a member of the Sussex Inlet Community. To ensure the quality for yourselves and your neighbours, we have prepared this Design Approval Application Form & Checklist to help you prepare your new home design.

Electronic plans should be provided in PDF  format and drawn to scale clearly displayed on all plan sheets, either:

show a scale eg '1:100' and separately state the original sheet size eg 'A3'; or
show scale as '1:100 @ A3'.

No hardcopy sheets will be accepted.

Electronic Plans

Design Approval Application Form & Checklist

Lot Application Details

Builder Details

Purchaser Details

Plan Checklist

Site Design

Setbacks Compliant

Orientation of living areas

Overlooking outdoor living area

Reason for not overlooking outdoor living area and/or reason for chosen direction of orientation (if north not selected)

Location of outdoor living relative to your home

Reason for location of outdoor living (if north not selected)

Utility Areas - below items indicated on plans behind front building line and screened.


Dwelling sizes and floor areas



Front Facade

Primary Cladding Material

Secondary Cladding Material

Front Doors

Utility Meters

Windows and Doors

Roof and Eaves

Roof Pitch



Front Fence (if applicable)

Side and Rear Fence



At least two of the following low emission products should be utilised within the construction of your home (please indicate)


Please tick below which items you intend to use to achieve the above target (numbers in brackets represent target recycled content per building material)


Garden Sheds (only applicable to golf course lots)

Driveways and front paths

Materials used for driveways and paths (stencilled concrete not acceptable)


Select which two (at least, you can select more) alternate energy selections you will utilise


Supporting Summary

Non Compliance Summary